Do your ears hang low?
do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot?
Can you tie 'em in a bow?
you throw 'em over your shoulder like a Continental soldier?
Do your ears hang low?
Do your ears stand high?
Do they point up to the sky?
Do they droop when they're wet?
Do they stiffen when
they're dry?
Can you signal to your neighbor with a minium of labor?
Do your ears stand high?
Ears hang low- back of hands on ears fingers down
Wobble to and fro- away fingers
tie 'em in a knot-
tie large knot in air
tie 'em in a bow- draw bow in air with both hands
throw o'er shoulders- throw both hands over
left shoulder
Continental soldier- Salute
Ears stand high- back of hands on ears, fingers up
droop- back of hands on ears, fingers swaysing down
fingers straight up and stiff
signal to your neighbor- back of hands on ears, hands alternately going up and down