Tbird Songbook & Skits
A small collection of skits and songs. New suggestions welcome.
Dr. Blue Bonnet
The Enlarging Machine
Good Turn
Jumbo The Elephant
Important Papers
Fortune Teller
Day Camp Lunch
Leaky Submarine
The songbook is an Adobe Reader file (,pdf) View it By Clicking HERE (it is a large file please allow loading time) You can receive a paper copy of the songbook at Walking Leader Training or asking for one at camp. if page does not load, check out some of these: songs: Cub Scout Prayer Rocka My Soul He's Got the Whole Camp in His Hands America, The Beautiful The Star-Spangled Banner Cub Scout Spirit Birds in the Wilderness Singing In The Rain Fido Cub Scout Marching Song Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts Mrs. Goonie Bird The Grand Old Duke of York Alice The Camel Bumblebee Kookaburra There's a Hole in the Middle of the Sea The Old Family Tooth Brush Hey, Ho! Nobody Home Cub Scout Camp The Bear Song Oh, Tom the Toad Found a Peanut Tarzan of the Apes She Waded in the Water Tongue Twister Song I'm nut Three Short-Necked Buzzards Worms (Nobody likes me) My Bonnie Kumbaya Michael, Row The Boat Ashore Taps America God Bless America America Cub Scout Harmony It's Raining, It's Pouring There is Thunder Rain Song Be Kinda To Your Web Footed Friends It Ain't Gonna Rain No More God Bless My Underwear Head and Shoulders Do Your Ears Hang Low? My Hand On My Head Rover Micheal Finnigin The Crocodile Boom! Boom! Ain't it Great to be Crazy! Oh I wish I were... Three Little Fishes Smile Song Make New Friends Gray Squirrel Little Bunny Foo Foo Peanut Butter & Jelly Ravioli find more songs at http://scoutsongs.com/
questions/comments tbirddaycamp@aol.com duncan68@aol.com webmaster skdnonahmi@aol.com