2010's Possible Achievements Posted! (Thanks To Sandy!) Got some thoughts to share on this year's camp? Email
us at Tbirddaycamp@aol.com or Tbirdprgmdir@aol.com
Thank you for coming out and supporting your boys! We've started a facebook page to try to keep you updated
more - become a fan!
***June 28 to July 2, 2010***
Location: South View Golf Course 16001 S 71 Hwy Belton, MO 64012
Centennial Luau
Look At Camp From Above! Thanks to Google Maps

Thank you for making this year a
success! What to be kept updated for 2010? Send your contact information to Tbirddaycamp@aol.com
Looking for the important papers like Day Camp Registration, Campership and Healthforms? Check out this link for
our Important Papers, or look at the navigation column on the left
Interested in staff for 2010?
please email tbirdprgmdir@aol.com if you can help us properly staff our camp to ensure
your boys have a fun and safe week. Without
proper staff some activites may need to be replaced.
Are you an experianced Walking Leader who has helpful hints for the leaders that are still wet behind the ears?
Are you a new Walking Leader that is a little intimidated with all these hyper cub scouts? Do you have a suggestion for camp or this Web Site?
Need questions answered?
Please use our message board!
(click the left button below)
Access HOAC's web page for any necessary Day Camp forms by clicking here. (You'll have to scroll down for Cub Scouts)
as well as many others
that are offered